Bushcraft, Survival, & Wilderness Living Skills
Consider the Definitions below, then choose your adventure:
Bushcraft (or Woodcraft) - Bushcraft is about surviving and thriving in the natural environment, and the acquisition of skills and knowledge to do so. Bushcraft skills include; firecraft, tracking, hunting, shelter building, the use of tools such as knives and axes, foraging, hand-carving wood, container construction from natural materials, rope and twine-making, and many others.
Modern Survival - skills required to deal with sudden, short-term, and life threatening situations when participating in outdoor pursuits and working in remote areas. Also sudden life threatening situations such as plane crashes, battlefields, disasters, famine, and other traumatic situations.
Wilderness Living Skills - Denotes skills and experience in matters relating to living and thriving in the woods -- such as hunting, fishing, and camping, homesteading, permaculture, and hobby farming.
Outdoor Education - Experiential learning in, for, or about the outdoors. Can include; nature awareness, plant and animal identification, hiking, snowshoeing, biking, climbing, canoeing, birding, camping, environmental education, conservation education, adventure education, school camping, wilderness therapy, and more.
Primitive Technology or Primitive Skills Skills and experience gained from studying and practising innovative human developments from ancient to pre-modern, and how they were utilized in their relevant time period, to help cultures and societies live and advance.
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Custom Adventures
Nearly 90% of our courses and trips arise from groups and individuals contacting us, and hiring us specifically for their needs.
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