Winter Trek on the Freeman River - Feb 14-17, 2025- $500


This trip is for people who have previous experience or training in winter bushcraft and survival skills. This is not a full course - instead, it is a snow trekking trip on the river that includes meals, guides, and some light instruction.  Winter Trekking equipment will also be available for participants.

Overview:  Four days, travelling along our registered trapline, walking with snowshoes and pulling our gear on pulks and custom toboggans, selecting and setting up camp using plastic super shelters and heating the shelters with long fires, cooking meals and harvesting animals (when appropriate) along the way.

Prior experience for participants to have for this course would include some or all of the following suggestions:  

  • Snowshoeing and/or travel in snowy and cold environments.
  • Solid fire lighting skill and knowledge of various winter fire-lays for warmth, light, or cooking
  • Some experience building and sleeping in winter shelters such as lean-to, quinzhee, super shelter,  hot tents, bush beds, or cold camping.
  • Experience using bow saws, axes, and knives for camp chores and tasks
  • Knowledge of good winter clothing systems
  • Excitement and Enthusiasm for a super cool advanced bushcraft experience.

What Is Provided:

  • Instructor(s) to guide and teach the group along the way
  • Simple but nourishing campfire meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Supper)
  • Trapping supplies, and instruction on trapping for survival
  • Add on topics - tracking, reading the landscape, camp selection, group movement and packing gear on toboggans
  • Safety gear:  Inreach device, First Aid Kit, nearby vehicle and shelter
  • Cabins and wall tents first night at our fully serviced facility
  • Cooking equipment
  • Snowshoes, pulks, and toboggans (or bring your own)
  • Plastic for shelters
  • Registered Trapline Trails and permissions to utilize public lands
  • A complete gear list before the start of the course
  • Unlimited forest resources for our journey - respectfully utilized

Not Provided:

  • Clothing, footwear, and sleep systems for participants
  • Personal First Aid kit, knife, saw, axe, bushcraft gear
  • Bring your own snacks and special dietary needs
  • Your own mess kit - bowl, spoon, fork, mug

Level of Fitness Requirements: 

  • The nature of this course will demand that participants have a good level of fitness.
  • Expect to walk in snowshoes and forest environments for 0.5 - 2 km on some days, and be on your feet collecting firewood, pulling toboggans, maintaining fires, cooking, and assisting in helping the group to stay warm and comfortable for the duration of the trip.
  • Participants will be expected to help contribute to camp chores and assist whenever possible.

Please Note:

  • This trip will go ahead in cold temperatures and rugged weather
  • This is not a hard core survival course/trip, rather, it is a group effort to experience advanced wilderness skills with minimal comfort gear.  With nearby facilities if needed.
  • There will be much experiential learning and also a lot of information exchanged between instructors and participants.  The more we share together, the stronger the experience.

Min 4 participants   -   Max 8 participants